Teachers can also use the free EV3 Animal Rescue Book, a lesson plan designed to teach how to code MINDSTORMS creations with real Swift code.

With Swift Playgrounds students can code and interact with their LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 creations’ motors and sensors. It requires no coding knowledge, so it is perfect for students just starting out. Swift Playgrounds is a revolutionary app for iPad that makes learning Swift interactive and fun. All teachers attending the course will have the opportunity to earn a Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy Introduction to Programming Certification.LEGO ® MINDSTORMS Education EV3 compatibility All teachers attending the course will receive one annual Robot Virtual World license. All online parts of the course are recorded and students will have 24/7 access to the recordings and class materials. The first two sessions of the course will be taught at the conference and the last four sessions will be taught online. The course is a hybrid course that uses a combination of physical and virtual robots to teach students how to program. The course is presented by Carnegie Mellon University and is modeled after CMU’s popular summer certification courses. Concepts covered include: how to foreground STEM topics like scale, rate, and conversion of units in your robotics course, introductory level programming, how to teach students to troubleshoot their own programming and engineering problems, how to integrate computational thinking practices into your robotics classroom.

This course teaches the pedagogy of teaching a VEX STEM robotics course. Part 2 at the conference: March 3rd, 2016, 11:00am-1:30pmĬarnegie Mellon ROBOTC for VEX Certification Class.All teachers attending the course will have the opportunity to earn a Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy Introduction to Programming Certification. This course teaches the pedagogy of teaching a LEGO STEM robotics course.

To learn more about the course go to this link you have additional questions please send an email to Full course descriptions are below:Ĭarnegie Mellon ROBOTC for LEGO Certification Class The course consists of two half days of training at the conference and four online sessions after the conference. The course teaches research based pedagogy on how to use robotics in your classroom to teach Computational Thinking and STEM. The course is geared toward teachers with no programming experience and is scaffolded in a way that at the end of the session you will understand how to troubleshoot the robot hardware, program flow, sensors, conditional statements, variables, functions and parameters. Carnegie Mellon to offer LEGO and VEX ROBOTC Training at ITEEA ConferenceĬarnegie Mellon is pleased to offer LEGO and VEX ROBOTC training at the ITEEA Conference, March 2-4, 2016 in Washington, DC.