Maclagan’s labor of love provides answers to every conceivable question about the instrument.”-Robert Aitken, flutist, composer, conductor, teacher, Freiburg, Toronto “By owning this book you will have access to the most comprehensive knowledge base on the flute currently in existence. I found information in her book was new to me. Lopatin, flutist, flutemaker, flute designer, Asheville, North Carolina “An astounding amount of work, this ten-year project of Sue Maclagan will prove of great value to flutists, especially teachers who need to answer their students’ prying questions and students who do not want to bother their teachers. My admiration and congratulations for creating a book that is a must in any flute lover’s library.”-Leonard E. I have been privileged to watch it develop from a dream to a comprehensive work that is thorough, accurate, and wonderfully informative. Furthermore, her hard work and absolute objectivity have been an inspiration throughout this long process.” -David Shorey, author, lecturer, historian, dealer of old flutes, Los Angeles “Susan Maclagan’s flute dictionary is truly a labor of love. Her extraordinary patience, curiosity, and endurance have produced a volume will be a tremendous asset for years to come.

Susan Maclagan took on an immense and delicate task, and has shown great success. Reviews for A Dictionary for the Modern Flutist “The art of flutemaking, like any art form, has a language all its own, filled with contradictions and potential contentiousness among its users.